Prosper is centered around policy and advocacy that ensures equitable access for all individuals to secure prosperous futures. These policy initiative focus on community strengthening and providing essential advocacy, education, and training in resilience and equity, ultimately striving to create a more prosperous society for all.
Policy & Advocacy Coalitions
Colorado Department of Early Childhood Rules Advisory Council: This advisory council coordinates a unified early childhood system and ensure the equitable distribution of resources and programming. In addition, the advisory council oversees the launch of universal preschool.
Growing Our Futures: A coalition, formed by a diverse group of caregivers, providers, and organizations advocating for legislative solutions that promote equity in early childhood education and care. In partnership with the Alliance for Early Success through their Child Care Next State initiative, the coalition aims to advance impactful changes in the field.
Raise Colorado: A coalition of organizations, parents, advocates, businesses, service providers and government representatives that support the growth of Colorado’s youngest children and their families through public awareness, policy development and advocacy efforts.
Strategic Goals
Advocate for equitable access to quality education, housing, and economic opportunities.
Partner with community organizations to create safe and thriving neighborhoods.
Provide training in cultural competency and inclusivity in policy and advocacy. ​
The Family Empowerment program empowers parents and caregivers to be the most influential, primary, and enduring educators and champions for their children, with a focus on recognizing and leveraging their strengths.