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National Black Child Development Insisitute's 

Eight Essential Outcomes 

At BCDI-Colorado, we believe that every Black child deserves a future that is full of possibilities, resilience, and well-being. Our work is guided by NBCDI's Eight Essential Outcomes—critical markers of development and equity that address the unique experiences of Black children and families. Each outcome represents a foundational aspect of life that is crucial for nurturing healthy, joyful, and empowered communities.

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 Children Are Seen and Valued as Children

Black children are often perceived as more mature than their peers, leading to adult-like treatment and undue disciplinary actions. We advocate for nurturing environments that recognize and honor Black children’s right to innocence, curiosity, and exploration—ensuring they are seen, protected, and valued as children.

Children Enjoy Nutritious Meals with Fresh Vegetables

Access to healthy, culturally relevant food is a basic right for all children. Yet, systemic inequities mean Black children are often denied this access. We work to create food-secure communities where nutritious meals are readily available, ensuring every child can grow strong and healthy.


Children Are Born at Healthy Birth Weights

The health of Black mothers and their infants remains disproportionately affected by stressors and barriers within healthcare systems. BCDI-Colorado supports equitable healthcare policies and programs focused on improving maternal and infant health, advocating for systems that ensure Black children are born with a healthy start in life.

Children Breathe Clean Air and Drink Clean Water

Environmental injustice has meant that Black children often live in areas with limited access to clean air and water, impacting their health and development. We work to address these disparities, advocating for safe living conditions that allow Black children to play, explore, and thrive without harm.


Children Engage in Safe, Affirming Digital Spaces

As children grow in an increasingly digital world, it’s vital they experience online environments that are safe and affirming. BCDI-Colorado promotes digital literacy and equity, supporting efforts that prioritize safe access to technology and eliminate harmful biases in digital learning tools.

Children Have Access to Culturally Affirming Books and Toys

Representation matters. We strive to ensure Black children see themselves in the books and toys they engage with, allowing them to build positive self-identity, empathy, and understanding. Our programs advocate for learning materials that reflect and celebrate their experiences, heritage, and imagination.


 Children Learn in Schools that Affirm Their Identity

Educational environments play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s sense of self. BCDI-Colorado champions culturally responsive education that embraces Black history, culture, and values, supporting schools that affirm and expand Black children’s potential and identity.

Children and Families Reside in Safe, Supportive Communities

Safe communities are essential for the well-being of Black families. We collaborate with partners to foster safe, uplifting environments where children and families feel secure and supported, free from violence and structural inequities.


Our Commitment to Accountability and Impact

Each essential outcome is accompanied by a commitment to rigorous data collection and community feedback, ensuring that we can measure our impact and adapt our strategies. Through these outcomes, BCDI-Colorado is building a future where every Black child in Colorado grows up supported, celebrated, and empowered.

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1312 17th St PMB 71912

DENVER, CO 80202

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Phone: (720) 505-1687

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©2024 by BCDI-Colorado. 

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